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Query order details

Interface address: /api/v1/order/query-order-detail
Note: This interface allows you to view on order details.

Request input parameters

orderIdStringNThe order ID can either be "orderId" or "merchantOrder".
merchantOrderStringNThe merchant order ID can either be "orderId" or "merchantOrder".

Output parameters

merchantOrderStringYMerchant order ID
orderIdStringYOrder ID
userIdStringYUser ID
fiatCurrencyStringYFiat currency
fiatAmountStringYFiat amount
cryptoAmountStringYCryptocurrency amount
orderFeeStringYTransaction fee
payWayCodeStringYPayment method
stateStringYOrder status:
CREATED: Order created successfully.
PROCESSING: 3DS payment link generated.
SUCCESS: The payment was successful, pending crypto transfer.
FAILED: Payment failed (risk control verification).
CHAIN_WITHDRAW_WAIT: Crypto transfer in progress.
errorCodeStringNError code for payment failure
errorMessageStringNError information
completedTimeStringNOrder execution time
createTimeStringYCreation time
updateTimeStringYLast update time
merchantUserStringNUser's unique tag on the merchant side
txIdStringNOn-chain transfer transaction ID
networkFeeStringNOn-chain gas fee
chainArrivalTimeStringNOn-chain crediting time
meThreeDsRedirectUrlStringN3DS link
transferAddressStringNReceive address
transferModeStringNTransfer mode

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